Pose Method of Running:唔駛用力既跑步方法
Pose Method of Running: to run effortlessly
Pose Method of Running is a standardized method of running. It teaches that you can run almost without any muscular effort by making use of terrestrial gravity. At the same time, the method can reduce the possibility of getting injured. There are a lot of runners trying to step too far forward to run faster, but this is in fact an action of reducing speed and they are just stopping themselves.
In the past, we said the best runners were the sum of genetic advantages plus a training program with tremendous mileage. However, in the Pose Method running is technique that has to be learnt and trained. We can run naturally but it does not mean we are good at this. In a physical science sense, the major mission of running is to transfer the body by continuous change of support. There are certain poses when we are running that can make use of the Gravity, a gratuitous force that can be used, to produce a more efficient movement—‘efficient’ means creating the most forward movement with the least muscular effort.
Dr. Nicholas Romanov, the developer of the method, has worked with the British, US and Russian triathlon national teams. He studied running technique by viewing footage of different runners’ running form and analyzing it frame by frame. Some of the frames could be found from both average and elite runners. These frames, in contrast to other unnecessary movements, are keys that make one run better. Pose, Fall and Pull are the three key elements. Pose Method is here to reduce other redundant movements as much as possible.
Interview by ShiuLun Yeung, RTS and running coach
Interview by Carrie Tsui
originally from Sportsroad
【文:徐嘉怡】Pose Method of Running(姿勢跑法)是幫助我們將跑步動作標準化的方法,主張跑步幾乎無須用力,利用地球上有的地心吸力去跑,同時做到保護身體不受傷。世界上太多人在跑步時企圖跨大步令身體向前,但這其實是減速動作,效用相反。
從前的年代,擁有基因優勢加上瘋狂訓練量,我們便會說他是最好的跑手。但Pose Method of Running認為跑步是後天培養的技能,即使我們天生都會走會跑,但不代表我們就跑得好。從科學上看,跑步的最大任務,是將身體透過轉換支撐點(換腳動作)轉移去另一個地方。而地心吸力是一種動力,跑步當中有些姿勢能利用這種力量,不斷重覆利用這種動力使我們產生最有效的移動,即是用最少的力來產生最大的功率。
Pose Method理論提倡者為Nicholas Romanov博士,曾擔任英國、美國及俄羅斯三項鐵人代表隊跑步教練。Pose Method是一種研究方法,將精英跑手和普通跑手的跑步片段錄影下來,然後逐格分析,會發現部分動作是兩者共有,而這些動作就能構成跑步,而其他額外動作都是多餘無謂,Pose Method of Running就是要教大家把多餘動作減走,而研究影片得出,跑步只有「Pose、Fall、Pull」三個重要姿勢動作。
口述:楊肇麟,Pose Method Running Technique Specialist及長跑教練
To contact Yeung Shiu Lun – Running Technique Specialist in Hong Kong please visit his page.